Certificate, 2 August 1841, Copy [Gray v. A. Allen]
Source Note
, Certificate, [], Hancock Co., IL, 2 Aug. 1841, Gray v. A. Allen (Hancock Co., IL, Circuit Court 1841). Copied ca. 22 July 1842; Hancock County Sheriff, Old Certificates of Purchase, Levy, and Redemption, pp. 46–47; handwriting of Melancton S. Carey; Hancock County Courthouse, Carthage, IL; microfilm 955,142 at FHL. Includes seal.
Whereas by virtue of a Execution, to me directed from the Circuit Court of bearing date the Eleventh day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty one, in favor of James Gray and against . I did on the second day of August one thousand eight hundred and forty one in pursuance of public notice given, expose to public sale, at the door of the Court House in in said , the following described property The West haff of the North west quarter of sec. five Township five North of Range Eight west & James Gray bid Three Hundred and Seventy five Dollars for the same also the North West qr of the South East. qr of sec six Township Five North Range eight west, of the 4th principal Meridian & James Gray bid one hundred and [p. 46]