Joel Hamilton Walker, Letter, , Suffolk Co., MA, to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 9 May 1844; handwriting presumably of Joel Hamilton Walker; docket in handwriting of ; JS Collection, CHL. Includes postal markings.
Being so closely confined in the Post Office in this where I have been but a short time, have not before this morning, been aware that you had petitioned Congress in relation to raising a Military force to protect our Southern Frontier
My purpose in addrssing you is to offer my services either in Military or Civil duty as I am so much confined that my health must suffer if I remain a great length of time—
If I can make myself known to you by reputation which I think possible, I have every confidence if in your power, you will favor my wishes— At any rate hope you will write me, at your earliest convenience, upon receipt of this— I was born in Peacham Vermont Oct. 13 14. 1813— My father is Col. Joel Walker now of Belvidere Ills.— Hon. E[benezer] Peck of Ills. is my brother in law— I was in the mercantile business in from 1836 to ’39 (one of the firm of King, Walker & Co) since which time have been here, with the exception of a year— Have been in the military since the age of 16 and am considered somewhat proficient, having devoted much attention to the study of its principles, and an ardent love for the art. I have receved a good academical and mercantile education, and if there is in your place, any thing which you think would be for our mutual advantage, I am yours,