Washington Tucker, Letter, Eldorado, Union Co., AR, to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 4 May 1844; handwriting presumably of Washington Tucker; dockets in handwriting of ; one page, JS Collection, CHL. Includes postal markings.
Last winter while in the State of Mississippi I became acquainted with one of your missionaries who was laboring at the time in that State— Also at the same time I had an opportunity of perusing some of your sacred Books, and from what I have been able to learn as well from reading as from observation I am constrained to be very favorably impressed towards the new doctrin, although to me it certainly appears quite novel, yet I cannot do otherwise than believe their is great reality in it— so much so, indeed that I am extremely anxious to become better informed on this all important and truly vital matter—
And moreover, I am not the only one in this part who is an ardent seeker after truth; indeed the subject is beginning to produce a great deal of enquiry and some excitement in this county— hundreds who never before heard of the new Revilation [p. [1]]