Nauvoo City Council, Ordinance, , Hancock Co., IL, 13 Nov. 1841. Version copied [ca. 13 Nov. 1841] in Nauvoo City Council Minute Book, p. 31; handwriting of ; CHL.
An Ordinance Concerning vagrants and Disorderly Persons.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of . That all persons vagrants, Idle or disorderly persons; Persons found <drunk> in or about the Streets; all suspicious persons; Persons who have no fixed place of Residence, or visible means of support, or cannot give a good account of themselves; persons guilty of Profane or indecent language, or behaviour; persons guilty of using indecent, impertinent, or unbecoming language towards any City officer when in the discharge of his duty, or of menacing, threatening, or otherwise obstructing, said officer; shall on conviction thereof before the Mayor, or Municipal Court, be required to enter into security for good behaviour for a reasonable time, and indemnify the coporation against any charge, and in case of refusal or inability to give security, they shall be confined to labour for a time not exceeding ninety days, or be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred Dollars; or be imprisoned not exceeding six months; or all; at the discretion of the <said> Mayor or Court. This act to take effect, and be in force from and after its Passage.— Passed Novr. 13th. 1841.