Transcript of Proceedings, circa 9 April 1834 [State of Ohio v. D. P. Hurlbut]
Source Note
Transcript of Proceedings, , Geauga Co., OH, [ca. 9 Apr. 1834], State of OH v. D. P. Hurlbut (Geauga Co., OH, Court of Common Pleas 1834); Geauga County Court of Common Pleas, Common Pleas Record, vol. P, pp. 431–432; unidentified handwriting; probable signature of ; Geauga County Archives and Records Center, Chardon, OH. Transcription from a digital color image made of the original in 2011.
Pleas before the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of in the State of Ohio: at a term of said Court begun and held at in said County on the thirty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four.
Be it remembered that now at this term of the Court came , Esquire, on behalf of the State of , and placed on file a transcript from the docket of Esquire in the words and figures following that is to say:
“The State of Ohio ss. [scilicet] The State of Vs. . Complaint to compel the defendant to give Bonds to keep the Peace. On complaint of Joseph Smith Junr, against the defendant against a Justice of the Peace for in said County, made on the 21st of Dec. 1833. a warrant was issued by said Justice aforesa[i]d which was returned before me a Justice of the Peace for in the County aforesaid on the 2 4th day of January A.D. 1834 by Stephen Sherman a constable of with defendant in Court, and not being ready for the examination said constable is directed to keep the defendant in custody and return him again before the Court on the 6th day of January A.D. 1834 at 9 o’clock a.m. at his office in , at which time this defendant again appeared, and not being yet ready for the examination on the part of the State this cause is again postponed to the 13th of January 1834, at 9 o’clock a.m. and the defendant requested to be kept in custody by A[braham] Ritch const. of , at which time the defendant was again brought before the Court by A Ritch, constable, and all parties being ready for trial, the Court commenced the examination, and the following witnesses were examined on the part of the state, Amos Hodges, C[urtis] Hodges, Sarah Wait, , Mary Coply, , M Hodges , J. Smith Jr, L. Copley C[harles A.] Holmes, , S. Slayton, Mr Wakefield, & E[lizur] Goodman, and the same were examined by the defendant. The examination [p. 431]