Carlos Lyon, Affidavit, before , , Hancock Co., IL, 20 June 1844; handwriting of John McEwan; signature of Carlos Lyon; certified by ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; JS Office Papers, CHL.
On the 20th. day of June 1844 came before me , Recorder of the aforesaid, Carlos W. Lyon and after being duly sworn disposeth <deposeth> and saith that while at Mo: on Monday the 17th. inst. it was a common topic that they were furnishing arms and ammunition to be sent by steam boat to Illinois, and said if the people of need 500 men, to give notice by the steamer Boreas and the men should be sent from to , and that your said affiant also saw a Cannon landed from the Steamer Mermaid, at . And further he saith not.
Carlos W. Lyon
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 20th. day of June 1844.