Horace, Letter, , Des Moines Co., Iowa, to JS, , Hancock Co., IL, 2 June 1844; unidentified handwriting; dockets in handwriting of and unidentified scribe; one page; JS Collection, CHL.
I have just recieved intimation that there is a project on foot here to visit with a body of from five to Six hundred Armed men for the purpose of liberating whom it is stated is confined in your prison— I as a friend to your society consider it my duty to make you aware of the danger you may be in, that you may be prepared to meet them— I think it best to keep my name from you, for were it known here that I had given <notice> of their procedings it would be unsafe for me to remain, do not think it a humbug and treat it lightly but prepare yourselves for the coming storm from what I can learn they intend going on the next boat— I hope this may reach you in time