Doings of the City Council.—Adjourned session, Monday, Feb. 12, 1844.
A petition of for damage done to his cellar by change of the location of Water Street, along Block 151, was read and referred to the committee on claims.
objected to any action on the bill,—the Mayor concurred with , and said that Laws’ Mill stood where the road was originally located, and should have been made, and it was altered to accommodate the Laws, and they agreed to satisfy all who were injured by the alteration, and they must do it.
The order of commitment was reconsidered, and the petition laid on the table.
The select committee (to whom had pr[e]viously been referred the blank bond of , to the agent of the city of , for lot 3 in block 4 of ’s Addition, for the use of the city of for the erection of public buildings,) reported that though the lot was desirable for the city to erect public buildings upon, yet they did not judge it wisdom to accept the lot on the conditions mentioned in said blank bond, as the may not think it best to erect a hall more than 38 or 39 feet square, or might prefer some other form; report accepted; bond ordered to be laid upon the table.
A semi-annual report of the attendance of the City Council was read and accepted; and the annual report of the disbursements of the Council was read and accepted. Counsellor motioned that Esq., occupy his place as counsellor during his absence. Motion carried.