Nauvoo City Council, Ordinance, , Hancock Co., IL, 16 Dec. 1843; handwriting of ; endorsements and docket in handwriting of ; two pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, 1841–1845, CHL.
An ordinance regulating Merchants’ and grocers’ Licences.
Sec 1. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of , that before any person or persons can legally sell or vend goods wares, provisions or commodities, as merchants or grocers, <<Auctioneers or Druggists—> at any stand store or grocery> within the limits of said , he, she, or they shall first obtain a licence from the city Recorder, for which he, she or they shall pay, one do down one at the rate of one dollar for every hundreds <dollars> worth of stock in trade, at the discretion of said Recorder by inquiry upon oath, as to the amount of stock; and said License shall continue in force one year from the date: The amount for said licence shall be by the Recorder, paid into the Treasury for the use and benefit of said .
Sec 2 and be it further ordained that this ordinance shall go into effect on the 25th day of December, instant, and that the penalty for a refusal or neglect to comply with its requirements, shall be two dollars upon every hundred dollars worth of stock in trade, recoverable before the Mayor of said upon proof as in other cases of violating city ordinances.
Sec 3 and be it further ordained that the city Marshals, (whose duty it is to carry this ordinance into effect) or any other person shall be allowed ten per cent, out of the fine for prosecuting violations of this ordinance to effect.
Sec 4 And be it further ordained, that the Recorder, at the ’s expense, shall furnish a Book to register the names of persons and dates to whom licenses are gra[n]ted, with <the> amount of stock for which Regestry and license he shall receive one dollar fees: and persons to whom licenses are granted shall post them in a conspicuous place in the store or grocery so licensed. [p. [1]]