Transcript of Proceedings, 24 September 1862 [Holcomb Administrator of the Estate of JS v. Widow and Heirs of JS]
Source Note
Transcript of Proceedings, [], Lake Co., OH, 24 Sept. 1862, Holcomb Administrator of the Estate of JS v. Widow and Heirs of JS (Lake Co., OH, Probate Court 1862); Lake County Probate Court, Real Estate Records, vol. D, pp. 81–88; handwriting of Perry Bosworth; Lake County Courthouse, Painesville, OH; microfilm at FHL.
This day came Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Smith Jr deceased and filed his petition asking that dower may be set off to said in each of the parcels of Land described in said petition respectively and that the may be ordered to sell said real estate or so much thereof as shall be necessary for the payment of the debts of the deceased & expenses of Administration and it is ordered that said petition be set for hearing on the 24th day of October AD 1861 at 10. Oclock A M and it is also ordered that said give the defendants legal notice of the pendency object and prayer of said petition.
Attest Perry Bosworth Dep Clerk
Said petition is in words & figures as follows
To the Probate Court of the County of Lake in the State of
Your petitioner Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Smith Jr late of said County deceased respectfully represents That there is no personal property of said decedent in said County or within his knowledge. That the amount of debts owing by the deceased as nearly the can be now ascertained amount to $1300 and the amt of charges of Administration will be as he believes $100 or more
The said decedent died seized in frr [fee] simple of the following real estate situate in the Township of in Lake County in the State of viz And is the same land conveyed to said Joseph Smith Jr deceased by Samuel Canfield by deed dated October 1, 1836 and in said deed described as follows viz
known as parts of Lot No 29, 41 & 42 as deeded to Samuel Canfield & <is> bounded as follows to wit Beginning in the center of the highway lately laid out in the north line of lands deeded to Samuel Canfield thence west 66 rods to a post thence south 15 rods to a post thence south 58 o west 19. rods to the [p. 81]