, Affidavit, before , , Hancock Co., IL, 21 June 1844; handwriting of John McEwan; signature in handwriting of ; certified by ; dockets in handwriting of John McEwan and ; two pages; JS Collection, CHL.
Personally appeared , before me Recorder of said , and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that on or about the 27th. day of May 1844 while at in , County aforesaid, in company with Joseph Smith and others. called into a private room and there & then said “for God’s sake dont suffer that man, Joseph Smith, to go out of doors for if he steps outside of the door his blood will be spilt,” to which statement replied he had no such fears; when said confirmed said statements with considerable emotions. And said he knew that Smith could not go out of doors, “but his blood would be spilt. asked who would do it. said he would not tell, but he knew the proud spirit of . that he would not be insulted and that he would kill Joseph Smith if he had to die on the spot. And there were many others, in who would assist to do the same thing.
was in the house below at that time. A day or two previous to the above conversation, while at aforesaid, heard say that Joseph Smith was the damn’dest rascal in the world, and he [p. [1]]