Minutes, , Geauga Co., OH, 15 Feb. 1833. Featured version copied [between 17 and ca. 26 Feb. 1833] in Minute Book 1, p. 10; handwriting of ; CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Minute Book 1.
Historical Introduction
The minute book, or Minute Book 1, describes seven separate meetings or that took place from 29 January to 17 February 1833. The minutes of most of these meetings contain only records of specific people being to offices. The following entry, for instance, mentions the ordinations of and as . Riggs was ordained in the midst of church disciplinary action against his younger brother .
Two days earlier, on 13 February, Burr Riggs was brought before a council of high priests and “accused of not magnifying his calling as a high Priest in the Church of Christ but had been guilty of neglect of duty and abusing the Elders and treating their admonition and advice with contempt.” On 26 February, he was formally “cut off from being a member of this Church of Christ.” (Minute Book 1, 13 and 26 Feb. 1833.)