I shod. not have brot. up this wod ◊◊t only to shew that I am right when we beg[in] to learn in this way we beg to learn the only true God & when we find to know how to come to him & he begins to unfold the heavens to us & tell us all ab[ou]t. it bef our prayers get to his ears at the b◊ now I ask all the learned men who hear me whe[the]r. the learned me[n] who are preach[in]g. Saln. say that God created the Heavens & the Earth out of nothing & the reason is that they are unlearned & I know more than all the world put togr. & if the H. G. in me com[prehends]: more than all the world I will associate with it— what does Boro mean it means to organize same as you wod. organize a Ship— God himself had materials to org[anize] the world out of chaos which is Element & in which dwells all the glory— that nothing can destroy they never can have an ending they exist eternally— I have anor. to dwell on & it is impossible for me to say much but to touch upon them— for time will not permit me to say all— so I must come to the res[urrectio]n. of the dead— the soul the imm. [immortal] Spirit oh <man says> God created in the beging. the very idea lestens man in my idea— I dont bel[ieve] the doct[rine]: hear it all ye Ends of the World for God has told me so I am going to tell of things more noble— we say that God himself is a self existing God, who told you so, how did it get it into your head who told you that man did not exist in like manner— how does it read in the Heb[rew] that God made man & put into <it> Adams Spirit & so became a living Spirit— the mind of man— the mind of man is as immortal as God himself— hence while I talk to these mourners— they are only separated from their bodies for a short period— their Spirits coexisted with God & now converse one another same as we do— does not this give your satisfact[io]n. I want to reason more on the Spirit of Man for I am dwelling on the body of man on the subjt. of the dead— the Sp of Man I take my ring from my finger & liken it unto the mind of man the im[morta]l. Sp[irit] bec[ause] it has no beging. suppose you cut it into but as the L[or]d lives there wod. be an end all the fools & wise men from the beging of creation who say that man had begin— they must have an end & then the doc[trine] of annihilitn. [annihilation] wod. be true— but if I am right I mit. with boldness proclaim from the house top that God never had power to create the Sp of Man at all— it is no God himself cod. not create himself intelligence is self existent it is a Sp from age to end & there is no creatn abt. it [p. 18]