JS, Letter, four miles west of , Hancock Co., IL, to , [, Hancock Co., IL], 24 June 1844; handwriting of ; dockets in handwriting of , , and an unidentified scribe; one page; JS Collection, CHL.
De[a]r Sir on my way to to answer to Your Req[u]est, this mornig I have met who has m[a]de know[n] to me your order to surrender the state arms in possession of the which dem[a]nd I shall most cheerfully comply with and that the same may be done proprly and without trouble to the — I shall return with to , see that the arms are put in his possession and shall then return to head quarters in his company when I shall most cherfuly submit to any requisition of the of our
With all due respect to your [illegible] I rema[i]n— Sir most Respctfuly your obt svt