Nauvoo City Council, Minutes, , Hancock Co., IL, 1 July 1844; handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of Willard Richards; two pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, 1841–1845, CHL.
read prayed— he then read a communication from by Coll. [Hart] Fellowes, and Esqre.— also a communication from them to this City Council— also at the request of — he read a letter from to at — he then addressed the City Council— and read a series of Resolutions— motioned by that they pass— & by to pass by sections— 1st. carried— 2nd. carried, 3rd. carried 4th. carried, 5th. carried—
stated that there would be a meeting this evening at four oclock of the Inhabitants of the , so that they may approve of these resolutions—
moved an adjournment
some letters from , read a letter from — another from , E[noch] A. Conyer, John Wood, & another from —
Councillor said it ought to mention for all the whole establishment
thanked all the writers but one, respond to the others, and do what is right—
“Resolved that we tender our thanks to Messrs. Esqre for his [p. [1]]