, on behalf of JS, Letter, , Hancock Co., IL, to , , New York Co., NY, 12 Oct. 1843; handwriting of ; docket in handwriting of ; one page; JS Collection, CHL.
Your letter of the 27th ult. is at hand, soliciting information concerning the “Carthage Resolutions.” In answer to your very candid inquiry and expression “interest” relative to our welfare, brevity will suffice. Unprincipled men and disappointed demagogues with here and there an “untamed sucker,” composed that disgraceful and disgracing, as well as mobocratic assemblage: and I feel proud to say that patriots and honest men generally frown upon such audacious proceedings as beneath the dignity of freemen. It is to be hoped that public opinion will continue to spurn at such doings and leave the actors to fester in their own shame.
With the smiling prospects around us at present, success seems certain, <and> with the blessings of Jehovah we shall reap the reward of virtue and goodness. I go for the good of the world. and if all honest men would do so, mean men would be scarce. You are at liberty to use this to counter act falsehoods, as you may deem proper