Transcript of Proceedings, , Sangamon Co., IL, ca. 17 July 1852, U.S. v. Joseph Smith III et al. (United States Circuit Court for the District of IL 1852); U.S. District Court for the District of Illinois, Complete Records, 1837–1856, vol. 4, pp. 486–697; handwriting of ; Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21, National Archives at Chicago, Chicago.
I Gacque Martin do solemnly swear, that the matter and things stated and set forth of my own knowledge in the above answer are true and that the same which are set forth on information and belief I believe them to be true.
Gacque Martin
Subscribed and sworn before me Nov. 21st. 1850.
G[eorge] Edmunds Jr. Master in of the Circuit Court of the Dist. of
This day, to wit, the second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, came the defendants Anna Maria Ritter and George Ritter her husband by their solicitors and filed their answer herein.
Which is in the words and figures following to wit:—
The joint answer of Anna Maria Ritter and her husband George Ritter, one of the defendants to the bill of complainants of the Complainant
These defendant now at all times hereafter saving to themselves all and all manner of benefits and advantages of exceptions or otherwise that can or may be had or taken to the many errors, uncertainties and imperfections in the said bill contained and here protesting that said complainants have not shewn themselves entitled to any relief in equity as against these defendants for answer thereto or so much thereof as these defendants are advised it is material or necessary for them to make answer to, answering as to interrogatory 1st. in said bill propounded Saith.
That they have no knowledge of any indebtedness of the said Joseph Smith decd. to the complainant or any other persons, except he is informed of the same by said complainants’ bill, nor has he any knowledge of the renedition of said judgement, the issuing of and the returns thereon, nor of said judgement remaining due and unpaid except from information derived from Complainants’ bill nor had he any knowledge, information or belief whatever of any of the matters in said Interrogatories mentioned and referred to, nor of any such indebtedness until within the last past three months since which time they have learned only from said bill and rumor that said indebtedness existed and this all the knowledge or information they have upon the subject and therefore require [p. 582]